What is blood sugar?

Blood sugar is the amount of glucose in the blood and is an important source of energy for the body.

The balance of blood sugar is vital to the normal functioning of the body, and unstable blood sugar levels can lead to a range of health problems, especially diabetes.

What happens when my blood sugar gets too high?

Hyperglycemia is an increase in glucose levels in the blood, which can lead to diabetes or other health problems.

Long-term high blood sugar can damage blood vessels, nerves and organs, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease, vision problems and kidney disease.

Symptoms such as fatigue, polydipsia and urination, and blurred vision may indicate high blood sugar.

Diabetes Basics

Regulating blood sugar is a critical step in maintaining good health, and achieving this goal requires a multifaceted effort.

Dietary choices are crucial. Controlling carbohydrate intake can effectively slow down the rise in blood sugar.

Regular physical activity and maintaining a healthy weight will reduce the risk of insulin resistance.

A scientific and reasonable lifestyle can help maintain blood sugar balance in the long term.

10 ways to lower blood sugar naturally

1.Diet modification

Choose high-fiber, low-GI foods such as whole grains, vegetables, and legumes.

2.Eat meals at regular times

Spread your meals out and avoid eating large amounts of carbohydrates in large quantities.

3.Moderate exercise

Regular exercise can improve the sensitivity of cells to insulin and help regulate blood sugar.

4.Maintain a healthy weight

Controlling your weight can help reduce insulin resistance.

5.Eat more Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish, flax seeds and other foods can help control blood sugar.

6.Get enough sleep

Lack of sleep may affect the normal function of insulin.

7.Coffee and tea

Caffeinated coffee and tea are thought to help lower blood sugar.

8.Manage stress

Chronic stress can cause blood sugar to spike, and practicing relaxation techniques can help maintain stable blood sugar levels.

9.Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables

Antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables help maintain blood sugar balance.

10.Eat small, frequent meals

Eat small, frequent meals to help avoid blood sugar swings.

How to prevent high blood sugar

The key to preventing hyperglycemia is to adopt a comprehensive health strategy and avoid poor lifestyle and dietary choices.

Maintaining an ideal weight can reduce the risk of diabetes through a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Reducing the intake of high GI foods, especially sugar and processed foods, can effectively control blood sugar fluctuations.

Aerobic exercise improves the body’s sensitivity to insulin, allowing cells to absorb and use glucose more efficiently.

Both smoking and excessive alcohol consumption are associated with an increased risk of high blood sugar and diabetes.

Combining these prevention methods and staying away from bad diet and living habits is a feasible way to reduce the risk of hyperglycemia.